martes, 2 de octubre de 2018

U.S./CANADA HANDS OFF AFGHANISTAN! - Marking 17 Years Since the Invasion *SUNDAY* OCT. 7


Marking 17 Years of War & Occupation in Afghanistan


Join us to rally against war and occupation in Afghanistan!


SUNDAY October 7


Vancouver Art Gallery

(Robson at Howe Street)

Downtown Vancouver, Canada


This event will be taking place on the traditional and unceded territories of the Tsleil-Waututh (səl̓ilwətaɁɬ), the Musqueam (xʷməθkʷəy̓əm), and the Squamish (Skwxwú7mesh) Coast Salish Nations.



In October 2001, the U.S. government and its allies, including Canada, occupied Afghanistan following a massive bombing campaign. Today, 17 years of war and occupation has not brought the promised end to terrorism or a better life for Afghans. This war has been a deep and devastating tragedy. Civilian casualties are climbing year over year and there is no hope for an end to the destruction of the country. Afghanistan's war and occupation has cost billions to taxpayers in the U.S., Canada, and other NATO countries - even as those governments claim that there is no money for basic necessities like health care and education.


Data from the Uppsala Conflict Data Program shows the total number of battle deaths in Afghanistan will surpass 20,000 in 2018 – the deadliest in 17 years.


U.S. President Trump ordered a troop increase to approximately 15,000 soldiers and authorized the catastrophic use of the 21,600 pound "Mother of All Bombs" on the country.  At 17 years, the war on Afghanistan is the longest war in the America's war riddled history.


There are now at least 2 million internally displaced people in Afghanistan, and another 2.6 million more UN registered refugees outside the country. They are the second largest refugee population in the world – and growing. 


Overall, 2,414 U.S. troops have been killed since the war began in 2001.  The war also consumed the lives of 158 Canadian soldiers and wounded 2,000 others. The mission also cost Canadian taxpayers at least $18 billion.


It is clear that the U.S. has no plan to end the military occupation, and that every day of war and occupation brings increased destruction and misery to the people of Afghanistan.  We say no more to this massive and inhuman waste of lives and resources. We call for the respect of Afghanistan's right to self-determination and the immediate withdrawal of all foreign troops!



US & Saudi Arabia Stop Bombing Yemen!

Canada Cancel the Arms Deal with Saudi Arabia Now!

U.S./U.K./France Hands Off Syria! 

U.S. Hands Off Iran! End Sanctions on Iran!

Canada Out of NATO!

Open the Borders!

Self-Determination for Palestine! End the Occupation Now!

No to Islamophobia!

Independence, Sovereignty & Self-Determination for All Oppressed Nations!

Money for Jobs, Healthcare, Education, Housing & Environment! Not for War and Occupation!

No to War & Occupation! No to Environmental Degradation!


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

MAWO ~ Mobilization Against War & Occupation

witter: @mawovan



Links con entrevistas y video sobre el museo.     España nos entrevistó 

Tania la argentina que murió en la guerrilla del Che  Cubanos resucitan a guerrillera argentina del Che en Bolivia.  Quien quiera el libro "Huellas de Tania" y/ó  los  dos  DVD´s con 5 episodios c/uno, puede adquirirlos en el museo. También ofrecemos "La Historia del Che Guevara" de Lucía Alvarez de Toledo y  "Malvinas 2014" de Mario Silva Arriola, ambos "excelentes" pero no se ofertan en ninguna librería lamentablemente.  

¿Quién era el ídolo del Che Guevara?

La revolución en Argentina que quiso el Che    Museo Ernesto Che Guevara Primer Museo Suramericano en Buenos Aires CABA Argentina

Argentina: El Che lives on! Get lost in Buenos Aires ...

Izquierdista entusiasta, y compañero revolucionario Eladio Gonzalez muestra el contenido de su afamado museo Che Guevara en Caballito, Buenos Aires..




informó el Museo " ERNESTO CHE GUEVARA " de Caballito, CABA

calle Rojas 129, esq. Yerbal, Buenos Aires  (AAC 1405) Argentina

Visitar lunes a viernes de 10 a 19 hs. (corrido) – entrada libre y gratuita

Escuela de Solidaridad con Cuba  " CHAUBLOQUEO "

Registro donantes voluntarios de Células Madre  (INCUCAI)

Coordinador ex Mesa Vecinal Participativa en Seguridad de Caballito

Tel.  5 3540744   5 3720744  Irene Rosa Perpiñal  -  Eladio González (Toto)  

email -      

Blog museo  

accidentes  -  protege hijos y nietos, aportá ideas y experiencias.



Lea libro Cuba Existe, es Socialista y No está en Coma del Arq. Rodolfo Livingston en  y emocionate.

En Sao Paulo Brasil"

Tango nuestro baile

¡ Salven a los argentinos !.....  "las ballenas".    

Las Islas Malvinas fueron, son y serán siempre ARGENTINAS.  

Guantánamo es cubano ¡ fuera los norteamericanos de allí,  invasores colonialistas como los ingleses que usurpan el Peñón de Gibraltar!.






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