domingo, 25 de junio de 2017

Shakeaspeare´idiom to Trump Carlos Aznarez: Trump's bullying and Cuba's dignity

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                Trump's bullying and Cuba's dignity
                                                            Carlos Aznarez  (argentine leader)
                                                                June 17, 2017


As was the case with Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II, and even Barack Obama, Donald Trump is mistaken if he thinks that threats, clownish stunts, and bellicose "attacks" against Cuba will accomplish what all the others tried but failed miserably to do. Cuba, her people and her government are made of solid timber, built of revolutionary ideas and practices that are lived every day of every year since January 1, 1959 when Fidel ,"mandó a parar". Cuba is an open hand when someone understands the gesture, but it is a steel fist when the time comes to reject humiliation or unjustified attacks or interference, such as the tenants of the White House always make.

However, asking for a little rationality from a brash madman such as Trump is a waste of time. Convinced that he must fulfill the promises he made during the campaign to the most reactionary sectors of the contemptible anti-Cuban maggoty, he just announced that with a simple stroke of a pen he is erasing the lukewarm agreements signed by Barack Obama and Raul Castro, except for two or three items he will keep, among them that the odious flag of the stripes and stars will continue to flutter over his Embassy in La Habana.


Precisely when he finds himself at a time when most of the Northamerican citizenry rejects him, due to his racist, xenophobic and divisive views and actions, and even several leaders of his own political party question him and have joined the investigation into his past that is full of so many black holes that endanger his very permanence in office, Trump forges ahead, using as his passport the unconditional support that some right wing extremist inhabitants of Miami's "Little Habana" offer him.


With an anti-communism speech befitting a cold war dinosaur, the Washington boss and his histrionics are embraced by the followers of Senator Marco Rubio, Mario Díaz Balart and some notable accomplices of the terrorist Luis Posada Carriles, who is protected by the Northamerican establishment to the point that is scandalous. The Trump of the stupid laughter and the bombastic gestures likes to surround himself with scum and be flattered to the point of nausea by assassins such as the veterans of the Bay of Pigs invasion (happily defeated in Playa Giron by Fidel and his combatants) or by the holders of the ill gotten millions of dollars meant to finance campaigns against the Cuban Revolution and the Cuban government. Trump, for whom some mistaken analysts of the Latin American reality  held some hope, because "he was not as bad" as the lady "democrat" who celebrated the murder of Muammar Gaddafi, Cuba and her unconquered Revolution continues to be a thorn in their sides.  That is precisely why Trump dove into the scene prepared by the threatening uproar of Florida's mafia and with all of them furiously applauding him, engaged in a ceremony that recalled the days of April 2002, when Carmona, "the brief one", was designed "President" for a few hours in Venezuela Bolivariana. The scene was a compendium of hysterical applause, obsequious smiles celebrating the buffoon, hypocritical embraces by the remnants of those thousands who, to the good fortune of Cuba, distanced themselves from the Revolution as soon as it triumphed. 

This last Friday in the Miami theater named after one of the terrorists who tried to invade Cuba through Playa Giron (the Bay of Pigs) and was captured, Trump spared nothing in his flirtation with the pack of male and female hounds, marked by the fire of revanchism and hatred towards the gigantic conquests of the Cuban Revolution. The dignified permanence of the Revolution after almost six decades of criminal blockade, is something that was not foreseen by the counter revolutionists, even in their worst nightmares. That is what happens and will continue to happen, because they never will understand the Cuban people, that is ready to struggle against everything that could undermine their social and political conquests. The benefits conquered by a government "from, by and for the meek", as Fidel used to say, have turned generations of Cubans into proud representatives of a country where culture, education, health and social justice are not empty words, as is the case in the great majority of the far corners of the planet. How can an arrogant Donald Trump boast that he will defend "democracy and human rights" in Cuba when in his own back yard the only thing he has to show are the abominable consequences of capitalism. His is a diminished world, where human beings do not count, where health is a business accessible only to a few, education is ultra-elitist, the streets are converted in massive living quarters for those ejected from the "American way of life", drug consumption is among the highest in the world, and death walks its streets, as a result of the "devolution" produced by the never ending imperialist wars the United States carries on daily.


Only 90 miles away, the statistics speak of life.  In 2016, Cuba held the world record for lowering of the infant mortality rate to 4.3 per thousand live births. And speaking of the health care its yanky neighbors do not have, the Cuban Revolution accomplished from its beginning.  It was the first Latin American nation to eradicate polio, and has also eliminated infectious diseases such as malaria, whooping cough, German measles, neonatal tetanus, diphtheria, measles, congenital measles syndrome and meningoencephalitis posparotiditis. The Cuban vaccines against meningitis and the advanced research on controlling different types of carcinogenic diseases are well respected by international organizations. It is all the result of a system of public health that not only reaches every corner of the country, but extends to numerous nations through cooperation agreements and initiatives based on solidarity, as Cuba's contribution has shown --with her medical personal--  in the fight against Ebola in West Africa, or the tens of brigadistas who offer the medical knowledge they obtained for free to humble peoples all over the world. And what can we say about education, not only as to what is good for the internal development of Cuba, but which has also been carried out as literacy programs reaching the whole planet, to illuminate with wisdom all those human beings that the capitalist system would prefer remained excluded and illiterate.


Moreover, Cuba has also accomplished most of the Objectives for Development in the Millennium. It has eradicated extreme poverty and hunger, created universal elementary education and encouraged gender equality and the empowerment of women. As a result, Cuban statistics rank her among the nations with the highest human development, occupying a prominent place among 187 countries, all deriving from the sustained policies of social welfare promoted by a government that cares for its people.  Contrary to the winds of war and intervention that always blow from Washington, Cuba works for peace for the continent and the world. And this is why, contrary to Trump's pathetic speech in Miami, in the last few years Cuba has had outstanding foreign policy accomplishments.  Cuba takes part with voice and vote in tens of international forums and organizations, her advise is sought by countries that in spite of being considered "developed" are still unable to reach the goals already surpassed by the Cuban Revolution in the basic social aspects demanded by their respective populations.


Mr. Trump: all countries... every single one! reject the blockade and said so at the last gathering dealing with the subject in the United Nations, where even the most diehard enemies of Cuba, such as Israel and the United States, opted to abstain in order to avoid too much humiliation. Where needed, Cuba's territory has been used to encourage mechanisms of dialogue and pacification in countries with endless conflicts, as recently took place with the dialogues between FARC and the government of Colombia.  


Trump may scream and angrily stomp his feet all he wants in that Miami bordello, surrounded by a miniscule group of worms (all over Florida there are thousands of Cuban-Americans who do not agree with that speech, full of threats and interventionist intentions) but he will never bring the dignified and sovereign people of Cuba to their knees.  As the press release by the revolutionary government put it well: "Any strategy geared to change the political, economical and social system of Cuba, whether it hopes to accomplish it through pressure and imposition or by using more subtle methods, will be condemned to failure".  Not only are the Cuban men and women ready to defend themselves from this turn of the screw of imperialist policy, but the Cuban people will always enjoy the grateful solidarity of all those who consider that the prosperous and sustainable Socialist Revolution is the best possible world for which we must struggle at all costs. 


From the depths of the authentic anti-colonialist, anti-imperialist and anti-capitalist thought and action, it is time to say once again, to Donald Trump: "Cuba sí, yanquis no". 


                                                                                                                              Carlos Aznarez



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Lea libro Cuba Existe, es Socialista y No está en Coma del Arq. Rodolfo Livingston en  y emocionate.

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